Tag: Discussion

  • Sarunu vakars: Vai smagi pārdzīvojumi padara mūs stiprākus?

    Sarunu vakars: Vai smagi pārdzīvojumi padara mūs stiprākus?

    19.09. Kafejnīca KALVE Miera ielā 19 plkst. 18:30 (Ieeja no 18:00) “Tas, kas mūs nenogalina, padara mūs stiprākus” – tā vēsta sakāmvārds. Bet ko par to teiktu psihoterapeiti? Ja vēlies uzzināt, pievienojies mums jau piektajā centra LĪNA sarunu vakarā! Sarunāsimies par to, kā izaicinoša situācija atšķiras no traumatiskas pieredzes, kādēļ nonākot vienās un tajās pašās…

  • Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    The time has come to talk about some walking castles! Next meetups starter topic will be Howl’s Moving Castle. Where? Lofts – Matīsa iela 8, Rīga https://maps.app.goo.gl/nbig5wwDY3hiA2Xc9 When? Next Tuesday – 13th Aug At what time? 19:00 Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to…

  • Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    The time has come to talk about some walking castles! Next meetups starter topic will be Howl’s Moving Castle. Where? Lofts – Matīsa iela 8, Rīga https://maps.app.goo.gl/nbig5wwDY3hiA2Xc9 When? Next Tuesday – 13th Aug At what time? 19:00 Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to…

  • Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    The time has come to talk about some walking castles! Next meetups starter topic will be Howl’s Moving Castle. Where? Lofts – Matīsa iela 8, Rīga https://maps.app.goo.gl/nbig5wwDY3hiA2Xc9 When? Next Tuesday – 13th Aug At what time? 19:00 Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to…

  • Anime Watch Club Jun 29 – Porco Rosso

    Anime Watch Club Jun 29 – Porco Rosso

    This months meetup starter topic will be excellent movie Porco Rosso from Studio Ghibli. Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to have a nice evening by discussing a anime movie and have a geeky afterparty. How these events work: * You watch Porco Rosso;…



    Producents KatlZ Riga aicina uz tikšanos ar baltkrievu rakstnieku Sašu Fiļipenko kinoteātra “Splendid Palace” Mazajā zālē. Pasākums ir pārcelts no 20. jūnija uz 7. oktobri. Sašas Fiļipenko darbi ir asi, skaudri un dziļi, skarot daudzus aktuālus mūsdienu pasaules kārtības jautājumus, izmantojot tekstu kā laika dokumentāciju. Tikšanās ar Sašu Fiļipenko veidota kā rakstnieka stāvizrāde (stand-up), pievēršoties…