Tag: community

  • Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    The time has come to talk about some walking castles! Next meetups starter topic will be Howl’s Moving Castle. Where? Lofts – Matīsa iela 8, Rīga https://maps.app.goo.gl/nbig5wwDY3hiA2Xc9 When? Next Tuesday – 13th Aug At what time? 19:00 Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to…

  • LU Kopienas dārza talka

    LU Kopienas dārza talka

    Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Ekopadome aicina pievienoties LU Kopienas dārza talkai, kas norisināsies LU Akadēmiskajā centrā! Talka notiks sestdienā, 21. septembrī, ANO Pasaules talkas dienas ietvaros, tādējādi vienlaikus ieskandinot LU 105. jubilejas nedēļu. Piedalīties ir aicināti LU studenti, darbinieki, viesi un citi interesenti, kas vēlas palīdzēt iekopt LU Kopienas dārza teritoriju. Uz talku jāņem līdzi atbilstošs…

  • Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    The time has come to talk about some walking castles! Next meetups starter topic will be Howl’s Moving Castle. Where? Lofts – Matīsa iela 8, Rīga https://maps.app.goo.gl/nbig5wwDY3hiA2Xc9 When? Next Tuesday – 13th Aug At what time? 19:00 Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to…

  • Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    Anime Watch Club Aug 13 – Howl’s Moving Castle

    The time has come to talk about some walking castles! Next meetups starter topic will be Howl’s Moving Castle. Where? Lofts – Matīsa iela 8, Rīga https://maps.app.goo.gl/nbig5wwDY3hiA2Xc9 When? Next Tuesday – 13th Aug At what time? 19:00 Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to…

  • Unicon 2019 meetup – Introverti tiekās festivalā

    Unicon 2019 meetup – Introverti tiekās festivalā

    Gājieni uz UniCon no AnimeForums vairs nebūs. Mēs mīlam un cienam visus, kas piedalījas iepriekš. Jūs esat piedzīvojuši to, ko neviens vairs nekad nepiedzīvos. Sakrājuši nozīmites, kuras nevienam nekad nebūs. Redzējuši karogu, kuru neviens nekad neredzēs. Kas notiek tagad? Mēs pārkvalificējam šo pasākumu par introvertu tikšanos @UniCon festivalā. Kad notiek? 3. un 4. augustā 2019.…

  • Anime Watch Club Jun 29 – Porco Rosso

    Anime Watch Club Jun 29 – Porco Rosso

    This months meetup starter topic will be excellent movie Porco Rosso from Studio Ghibli. Anime community is flourishing in Riga and animeforums.lv is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to have a nice evening by discussing a anime movie and have a geeky afterparty. How these events work: * You watch Porco Rosso;…

  • Anime Watch Club – Your Name by Makoto Shinkai

    Anime Watch Club – Your Name by Makoto Shinkai

    Geeks, Weebs and Everyone Else! We, Animeforums.lv, would like to invite you to Anime Movie Discussion Evening! Anime community is flourishing in Riga and Latvian region, and all of the events usually are in Latvian language, therefore we would like to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to have a nice evening by discussing one…

  • Jelgavas pilsētas egles iedegšana

    Jelgavas pilsētas egles iedegšana

    No pulksten 14 līdz 19 – adventes un Ziemassvētku ieskaņas tirdziņš. Pulksten 16 – grupas “Sunny Groove Dixie” koncerts. Pulksten 17.30 – Jelgavas pilsētas egles iedegšana – Jūrmalas teātra uzvedums “Dziesmota ekspedīcija pretī Ziemassvētkiem”. www.jelgava.lv